Friday, June 16, 2006

NVGP: Day Three: Hurricane Season

Rain, Pain and no gain.

The race was called after about 18 minutes because of the water that was pouring down from the sky. Everyone was soaked as the rain started to fall when the gun went off. After about 8 minutes of racing the rain really kicked in and a few minutes later the lightning started to light up the course. Officials called the race when the lightning started and decided that the race was neutralized and that all riders in the crit would be allowed to start the Mankato Road Race.

Good luck to the lucky four Grandstay guys who are still unlucky enough to be in the race. My advice: Just take it easy and draft off of HealthNet. Ha!! Ha!!

1 comment:

Notorious B.I.L. said...

TDOGG We are leaving in the morning for MN we will be at the Stillwater race. I will look for you and others. See ya there.