Thursday, January 17, 2008

Oh, the snow

Today was a good day, I didn't even have to use my AK.

Office ski day landed on perfect conditions. Skied from 10am to 3:30pm and the last run of the day was in knee deep powder. Had great snow all day and it was still snowing hard when we left big sky at 7pm. Tomorrow is a work day then Mulv and I head to Jackson Hole early Saturday. Mulv is going to hook up with AK and Kev for a half day at Jackson Hole while I train at their CC ski facility. Looking for a good dinner Saturday and then back to training Sunday morning in Grand Teton National Park. Should be a good back drop for a three hour skate ski session.

Mulv and I also visited the condo in Big Sky this past weekend. Fresh pow both days. Saturday was also my first day at Lone Peak Ranch (cc skiing). I did a couple of laps around the golf course and then up to Big Sky and back. 900 ft of climbing and rolling terrain equaited to a 1hour and 50minute threshold skate session. NOT what I was planning on and by the end I was hitting the wall. But at least I know that I can maintain 165 for two hours. Sunday I was back on the spin bike for a long recovery ride.

On paper it seems like work should be slowing down but for some reason I leave work exhausted every day. I have had to do more and more "thinking" at work and less and less drawing. All our submittals are getting more complicated but I guess that means we are doing some interesting projects.

Hope this finds everyone doing well.....

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