Sunday, August 20, 2006

Hot, Cold, Hot

Just when you think that fall has arrived in Montana it gets hot again.

Updates have been few and far between and that's because I am too busy reading friends blogs that are more interesting than mine.

The past few weeks have been busy at work and so biking has taken somewhat of a back seat. Promises were made to myself this morning that "This coming week will be different! I am going to eat, train and sleep properly! I will be superman in three weeks!" We'll see if I can follow through.

On the upside my cross bike is almost complete. Bozeman is in the middle of a severe cable hanger drought so I have been unable to connect my front brake. It sucks to look at a 99.9% complete bike and not go riding.

New wheels and rubber adorn the cross bike and Colnago and I can't believe the difference a good set of wheels makes. My Ksyriums had been crashed once and crashed into once and have since lost their will to corner and sprint. The new Race X Lites are carving the downhills with renewed vigor and breakneck speeds. Hyalite Canyon at 35-45 mph is fun!!

My parents were in town a couple of weeks ago and we had fun cruising the mountains and hanging out at Big Sky. I wasn't so lucky with the fish but my dad figured out what was making the fish rise and managed to slay a few on their last day in Montana. Of course there is no photographic proof, so.....

The furniture finally arrived for the house and we can now move out of "dorm" mode and into civilization. It feels great to have the house set up and we are looking forward to having a party soon.

Cross season is on the horizon and I don't have the first clue about what I am supposed to do. Trial by fire......

The most important room in the house. 7.1 THX Ultra

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